► Leech Therapy workshop and therapy @ Nadipathy 04-09-2014 ◄
The response and the encouragement by reference of the patients made us to conduct the Leech Therapy special workshop and treatment @ Nadipathy on 04-09-2014.
There were 20 patients attended and most of the new patients.
One of the patients speaking at the camp says she had come from USA to take up the Nadipathy treatment for her chronic ailments, and when she saw this workshop she said this kind of treatment in Western countries are very popular and giving an example that Fish manicure is a popular one.
Dr.Raju speaking, that this Leech therapy is a great rejuvenation for the body, sucking the bad blood by the Leeches.
Each patient is treated with New Leech, after the treatment the Leeches are kept in a respective bottles separately with the patients name,age,and place. This would ensure that the patient can be treated with the same Leech on next sitting.